Solutions for triage and incident management situations for first responders, medics, scene commanders and more.

Casualty Survival
On-Scene Triage/Incident Management
Casualty Movement/Evacuation
Hospital Evacuation
Patient Property
Hypothermia Management

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Smart Triage

- Solutions for the triage and incident management

Products and processes to aid better outcomes

Every part of a triage process must be performed with accuracy and confidence.

download our practical guide to multiple casualty triage

Our triage and incident management products allow first responders and medics to provide care, organise and resolve major incidents with ease.

Our SmartTriage™  range incorporates SmartTag™, SmartTriage™ System, SmartTriage™ Command Kits and many more triage products to increase the survival of casualties while documenting procedures and safeguarding against errors. When the restoration of normality is in place, documentation will support the decision-making process.

SmartTag™ enables responders to carry out the critical tasks in early major incident management, including triage and command and control.


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